Who is going to direct the newspaper ‘Granma’?

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Havana Cuba. – Two weeks after the dismissal of the newspaper’s director was revealed Granma, official organ of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC); and the director of the magazine Jitpublication of the National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation (INDER), the Cuban authorities have not yet appointed new officials to head said media.

A sports journalist who spoke with CubaNet On condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals, he said that Oscar Sánchez Serra was suggested by the Ideological Department of the PCC in consultation with the INDER leadership to take charge of Jit.

Sánchez, who has a degree in Physical Education, has been one of the newspaper’s deputy editors since 2006. Granma, and from then until today it has seen three leaders pass who have finished their duties before the scheduled term: Lázaro Barredo, now deceased; Pelayo Terry and Yailín Orta, recently dismissed and the first woman to direct the official organ of the PCC in its almost six decades of founding.

Sánchez, who has earned merit before the leadership of the Central Committee with comments on sports policy, has always remained second in the order of power of Granma.

Currently, both Granma as Jit They keep the names of Yailín Orta Rivero and Rudens Tembrás Arcia in their team box, despite the fact that they have no longer held office for weeks.

Orta, whose departure is allegedly due to a maternity leave, has been the target of negative comments even within the newspaper itself and which have been refuted by close colleagues such as journalist Yeilén Delgado, who praised “her honesty”, her “rejection of professional mediocrity” and his “intransigence with gossip, baseness and influence peddling.”

Tembrás, for his part, was dismissed due to complaints of alleged “abuse of power” and “mistreatment” of his subordinates. According to a price report CubaNetthe former director of Jit He would be appealing that decision, presumably an appeal to maintain his place within the Cuban press team accredited to the Paris Olympic Games, which open on July 26. The new Tembrás plaza is a “Communication specialist” within the Sports City Coliseum itself.

The names of the journalists Rosa Miriam Elizalde and Arleen Rodríguez Derivet, both from Cubadebateare among those most considered to occupy the direction of Granmasaid to CubaNet an official from the ruling Union of Journalists of Cuba (UPEC) on condition of anonymity.

In the panorama of the ruling party, it is also expected that Isidro Fardales will stop being “acting director” of the old magazine Bohemia and be ratified as director. Fardales came to that publication as editor-in-chief after being general director of Radio Habana Cuba for several years. He rose in Bohemia after the death, at the end of 2022, of José Fernández.

2024-06-05 22:08:30
#direct #newspaper #Granma

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