What does the population of Mishiha expect from future leaders? – 2024-08-27 07:48:18 – 2024-08-27 07:48:20 – 2024-08-27 07:49:51 – 2024-08-27 07:51:34 – 2024-08-27 07:51:51 – 2024-08-27 07:53:43 – 2024-08-27 07:54:38

by worldysnews
The 2025 legislative and municipal elections are fast approaching. The provincial authorities of Cankuzo assure that preparations are progressing well. For their part, the citizens of the Mishiha commune, in the same province, hope that the future elected officials will carry out projects that will benefit the population, in particular the construction of roads and the supply of drinking water.

Pierre Claver Nakumuryango, chief of staff of the governor of Cankuzo province, recommends the population to live in harmony during the electoral period. Photo taken on August 12, 2024 in Cankuzo.

Preparations for the 2025 legislative and municipal elections are progressing well. There is nothing extraordinary about this, because the Burundian population in general, and that of Cankuzo in particular, is used to voting. This was announced by Pierre Claver Nakumuryango, chief of staff of the governor of Cankuzo province. However, he continued, the administration is organizing meetings to raise awareness among the population and remind them that the electoral period is a simple and normal situation. But it is also an opportunity for citizens to elect their leaders or representatives themselves for the period provided for by Burundian law. “There is no reason to panic or be afraid of elections. On the contrary, citizens should continue to go about their daily lives, knowing that elections are part of the life of the country. Why? Because in a democracy, citizens are called upon to elect their leaders periodically. », indicated M. And the family.

That is why the local administration is sensitizing the population of Cankuzo to prepare properly. Why? Because the polls usually last only one day, but there are a series of activities to be carried out during the pre-election period. For example, every person of voting age must have a national identity card, an essential document to register on the electoral roll. We advise the people of Cankuzo to obtain their national identity card in good time, in order to avoid looking for it at the last minute, during the voter registration period. “, recommends Mr. Nakumuryango. In addition, he asks the inhabitants of Cankuzo to remain calm, whatever their differences. They must be aware that Burundi recognizes multipartyism. Thus, people who belong to different political parties are not enemies. They are called to live in harmony. At the time of elections, each voter must vote for the candidate who is close to his heart and who proposes a good social project.

Mishiha residents expect future elected officials to build roads and provide drinking water

Dieudonné Bigirimana, a resident of Munzenze hill in Mishiha commune, Cankuzo province, says he is ready to vote to support democratic logic. But he does not intend to vote just to vote. I would like the leaders who will be elected to take charge of the challenges of community development. “, proposes Mr. Bigirimana. Concretely, he hopes that the communication routes (roads) in the province of Cankuzo in general, and in the commune of Mishiha in particular, are improved, in order to facilitate traffic. For example, the inhabitants of Munzenze hill want the road linking the commune of Mishiha to the province of Muyinga to be built. Similarly, the national road RN 13, which links the province of Cankuzo to Tanzania via the commune of Mishiha, deserves to be asphalted to facilitate trade between Burundi and this neighboring country to the East. In addition, the inhabitants of Munzenze hill are facing a drinking water problem. They therefore hope that future leaders will resolve this problem. Health is also a concern for the population of Mishiha. ” We need enough doctors in Mishiha to ensure our health. Today, a seriously ill person must be transferred to another hospital, such as the one in Murore (Gisagara commune), the regional hospital in Cankuzo, or even elsewhere. This is difficult for families with limited financial means. “, regrets Mr. Bigirimana.

As for the aforementioned Odace, another resident of Munzenze hill, he wishes above all that the future elected officials ensure peace, security and social cohesion. In addition, he hopes that they will help the poor to have houses covered with sheet metal, for a dwelling worthy of the name.

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