What are the best backpacks for back to school? According to Profeco

by worldysnews

With the return to school just around the corner, one of the crucial items on the school supplies list is the backpack. It is the accessory that accompanies students on a daily basis, and it also plays a fundamental role in their health and well-being. For this reason, the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco) has carried out an exhaustive study to identify the best options available on the market, evaluating criteria such as durability, comfort and safety.

The most recommended backpacks by Profeco

Profeco has identified some brands and models that stand out for their quality and functionality. Below, we present the best options:


Durability: Known for their durability, Jansport backpacks are ideal for withstanding daily use and the weight of books.
Comfort: Its padded straps allow for even weight distribution, reducing pressure on shoulders and back.
Warranty: Jansport offers a lifetime warranty on several of its models, ensuring a long-term investment.


Innovation: Their backpacks have multiple compartments, making it easy to organize your supplies.
Ergonomics: Designed with padded backrest and adjustable straps, they improve posture and prevent back pain.
Style: Totto offers attractive designs, ideal for children and teenagers.


Quality: Renowned for their durability, Samsonite backpacks are perfect for long-term use.
Technology: Some models include padded compartments to protect electronic devices.
Design: With modern and elegant options, they are suitable for both children and teenagers.


Lightness: These backpacks are characterized by being light, minimizing the weight that children must carry.
Durability: Despite their lightness, they are made of durable and water-resistant materials.
Variety: Kipling offers a wide range of colors and styles, allowing every student to find their ideal backpack.

Tips for choosing the best backpack

In addition to Profeco’s recommendations, it is important to take into account certain aspects when choosing the right backpack:

Appropriate size: The backpack should not be larger than the child’s back. The width should be equal to or less than the student’s torso.
Weight distribution: Choose backpacks with multiple compartments to distribute the weight evenly. The total weight should not exceed 10-15% of the child’s weight.
Adjustable and padded straps: Straps should be adjustable and padded to prevent them from digging into your shoulders. A waist strap is ideal for added stability.

Durable and lightweight material: Choose backpacks made of durable and lightweight materials that are also water resistant.

The impact on children’s health

Choosing a backpack is not just a matter of fashion, but also of health. An unsuitable or overly heavy backpack can cause spinal problems, back and shoulder pain, and affect students’ posture. It is therefore essential for parents to monitor the weight of the backpack and teach their children to carry only what is necessary.

When preparing your children for the return to school, a backpack that combines quality, comfort and style is essential. Profeco’s recommendations are a valuable guide to ensure that your children are well equipped and protected.

N. of the R.: In addition to the aspects mentioned above, it is important to highlight some additional relevant data:

Profeco Study: The analysis of backpacks carried out by the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco) included the evaluation of more than 20 different models, considering factors such as weight resistance, quality of stitching, and ergonomics. In this study, it was determined that 30% of the backpacks evaluated presented some type of defect in the stitching after a prolonged load test, which highlights the importance of choosing recognized brands. Associated health problems: According to the Mexican Pediatric Association, approximately 60% of students have reported back pain related to the use of heavy or poorly designed backpacks. Weight overload can lead to scoliosis, which is a lateral deviation of the spine, if not corrected in time. Correct use of the backpack: In addition to choosing an appropriate backpack, experts recommend that children carry the backpack correctly. This includes using both straps on the shoulders and adjusting the backpack so that it is centered on the back and does not hang too low. These recommendations aim to guide the purchase of a quality backpack and promote healthy habits that prevent possible long-term health problems in students.

#backpacks #school #Profeco
2024-08-28 19:38:54

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