The tragic death of the former striker of Sparta (†31): Key words of the family!

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A shock that also affected some hockey fans in the Czech Republic. It was triggered by the death of Norwegian striker Alexander Reichenberg (†31), who died unexpectedly at the beginning of May. For several weeks, it was not known how the former Sparta player actually left for eternity. Just right now.

The painful loss was reported by the Norwegian team Lillehammer IK, in which Reichenberg acted as vice-captain. “It is with great sadness that Lillehammer Hockey Club received the news of the death of Alexander Reichenberg today. Alexander was one of Lillehammer’s best players in the entire history of the club.” the union representatives said on the social network. But the cause of death was not known.

This was revealed only by family members in the obituary. “He chose to leave us,” the family announced that Alex committed suicide. The funeral of the two-time World Cup participant took place on Friday, May 31, at Nordre Ål Church from 12:30 p.m. According to the Norwegian website Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen, 700 people attended.

His brother Elias Reichenberg noted to TV2 that Alex was troubled by hateful comments on the social network. “When you’re switching teams back and forth, there’s a lot of people who write a lot of things they shouldn’t write. Of course, it takes a toll on you over time when it’s part of your profession and it’s repeated after every game, every season. It affects everyone whether you admit it or not. Of course, it was etched in his mind as well,” Elias let himself be heard.

But apart from that, he was grateful for the kind words after Alexander’s death. And even from the Czechs. “I received messages both in Czech and in several other languages, and they were all nice things,” said the grieving brother. Reichenberg played 41 games for Sparta in the Czech Republic in the regular season of 2017/18, in which he scored 14 points for 6 goals and 8 assists. He then added one more game in the elimination fights.

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The family revealed the cause of death of former Sparta hockey player Alexander Reichenberg.

The family revealed the cause of death of former Sparta hockey player Alexander Reichenberg.

Topics: suicide, Norway, family, sport, sparta, blitzsport, Prague, hockey, Alexander Reichenberg, death, Hockey on

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