The Kramný case 11 years later: The case that divided the Czech Republic, in unknown facts and confessions

by worldysnews

Perhaps he is not the only Czech whose case would pass him by. But he wouldn’t think about what actually happened 11 years ago in a hotel resort in Hurghada, Egypt. In the beginning, it was a family vacation, of which there are thousands. On the night of July 30, 2013, however, the lives of Monika (†36) and Klárka (†8) Kramný endedhusband and father Petr Kramný (46) was then convicted for their murders. He still denies guilt. Hundreds of articles were published by the media, numerous television reports. Now people have the opportunity to get even closer to the story! Already on Friday, July 19, 2024, the original five-part documentary Kauza Kramný will be available on Voyo.

Kramní went on their dream vacation in the summer of 2013. Monika (†36) and Klárka (†8) never returned to their loved ones. | Voya

“In the narratives of relatives, friends, lawyers, experts, experts and Kramné himself, we return to the case that divided the lay and professional public,” Jakub Fürst described to Bleska for TV Nova. The masterfully created documentary, directed by Petr Hátle (41), competes without exaggeration with the world’s best programs of its kind. It doesn’t repeat what we know. In the testimonies, recollections of loved ones, painful words of Kramný’s parents, investigators, but also in police wiretaps, there are hitherto unknown facts. The show does not favor anyone, it does not force any opinion on the viewer. But it shows all the more urgently what can also happen and how one moment can change the lives of many people.

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Watch the series trailer:

Monika was someone else

“We show the fates of people whose lives have been changed by this case,” say the creators, led by producer Dagmar Sedláčková (37). She spent two and a half years on the case. “What was an overwhelming moment for me during the realization was the realization of the image that was portrayed of Monica Kramná. We had the opportunity to reconstruct her personality. She was completely someone else,” she told Blesku. “From conversations with her relatives, I learned that, among other things, she took a retraining course so that she could work in a home for the elderly, where she actually went. Instead of what was often written about her as selfish and self-centered, I was met with the message of a caring and caring woman who was very sensitive to the needs of others.” She added what was the main intention of the creators: “To tell this case that actually resonates the whole society and still divides it, with some distance and insight.’

Series catalog (Voyo): Method Markovič: Hojer

A case as you don’t know it

Director Petr Hátle also remembered filming with Petr Kramný in the prison in Mírov. “It was an interesting meeting. In contrast to how I knew him from the media or the letters we exchanged,” he described to Blesku. He seems like a different person. Of course, it’s also because he’s been in one of the toughest prisons in the Czech Republic for 10 years now.” The staff, like the story itself, started some time ago in Egypt. The result will go to the audience today. “The way they know the case is not what it really is. We went behind the wall of headlines and fake news, objectively inside the case, to look at it with new eyes,” he added, why you shouldn’t miss the documentary.

When will you see them?

Every week there will be a new episode on Voyo, don’t miss them on these days:

  • Episode 1, 7/19, Dream Vacation
  • Episode 2, 7/26, The Grieving Husband
  • Episode 3, 8/2, War of the Experts
  • Episode 4, 9/8, Behind Closed Doors
  • Episode 5, 8/16, The Secret of Peace
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