The amazing story of American sweetheart OJ Simpson (†76): After the murder, he cried at the Kardashians!

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As if they tried Jaromír Jágr (52) for murder here! All of America lived through the case of the famous athlete and Hollywood star OJ Simpson (†76), who was accused of double murder.

Something unprecedented happened to the once extremely popular American football player after his career ended in the 1980s. Despite the color of his skin (or because of it?), he managed to make it big in show business – as the first black athlete ever! He made it all the way to Hollywood and got a big role, for example, in the famous comedy trilogy Crazy Bullet alongside Leslie Nielsen (†84). America lay at his feet! Yet this week, OJ Simpson actually died in oblivion…

Historic chase

His life changed in 1994, when his ex-wife Nicole (†35) and her friend Ron (†25) were brutally stabbed. Everything pointed to the fact that OJ is the killer – after all, he threatened the blonde for a long time, terrorized her even after the divorce, and especially the detectives found fresh blood in his car or behind the barracks a bloodied glove with traces of DNA. But even before the detectives came for him, Simpson wrote a farewell letter and with a gun in his hand he went to see his friend and lawyer Robert Kardashian (†59). In his house – specifically in the room of the then 13-year-old Kim (43) – he then tearfully threatened to kill himself!

“I can’t describe how afraid I was that he would actually do it,” another attorney, Robert Shapiro, said later. The lawyers managed to calm Simpson down a bit, but he then, on the verge of collapse, got into his Ford and set off on the highway. There he circled slowly for two hours, and because he repeated on the phone that he had nothing to live for, the police convoy left him alone out of concern for his health. But this trip around Los Angeles has become iconic. Thousands of supporters personally waved at him on the street, they even interrupted the broadcast of the NBA basketball finals on TV because of it – the viewership of the “chase” reached an astronomical 95 million viewers!

He (didn’t) confess

Only then did OJ surrender to justice, but that only started another saga. The trial lasted eleven months and people around the world watched it live at home, at work and in bars. In the end, the jury’s verdict shocked everyone even more: NOT GUILTY! “If I hadn’t opened her door then with a knife in my hand, Nicole would still be alive.” Simpson then confided in his agent. Believing that he had won, he also wrote a book entitled “If I had done it”, where he describes surprising details from the scene of the crime. In the end, however, OJ was punished for the murders! His guilt was proven in a civil court and he had to pay compensation in the amount of 800 million crowns to the survivors.

She calculated it for him

But that didn’t happen. Simpson moved to Florida, which does not touch the property of its residents, so he didn’t really have to pay anything. He was calm, but apparently too calm. The company wanted nothing to do with him, which was killing him as a former celebrity. That’s why he was a wolf! The police investigated him for drug smuggling, bodily harm and even for the fact that he pirated cable TV at home… But he was put behind bars only when he and his friends came to see a debtor for his money.

It turned out to be kidnapping and armed robbery, for which Simpson was sentenced to an astronomical 33 years! The verdict came exactly 13 years after he was acquitted of the murders, and fans of the former footballer were angry that the white judge counted him for all his sins! In the end, OJ only served nine years before being paroled. He then lived the last stage of his life on the brink of bankruptcy and in contempt, before succumbing to prostate cancer this Wednesday at the age of 76.

The most famous sports criminal has died!  OJ Simpson (†76) was also tried for the murder of his wife

OJ Simpson with his wife

OJ Simpson with his wife

Topics: blitzsport, Jaromir Jagr, America, NBA, Los Angeles, Hollywood, murder, Ford Motor Company, OJ Simpson, Leslie Nielsen, Robert Leslie Shapiro

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