Solar Storm G4: Global alert issued by the Space Weather Prediction Center

by worldysnews

Approximate reading time: 1 minute, 23 seconds

The United States Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC), a division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has issued a warning that has put the entire planet on alert: a “major” geomagnetic storm is on the way and is expected to impact Earth this Monday night. Classified as a G4 storm on a scale ranging from G1 to G5, this disturbance could have significant impacts on several aspects of life on Earth.

The source of this concern is a coronal mass ejection (CME) that occurred last Saturday, March 23. This phenomenon, an explosion of plasma and magnetic material from the Sun, has traveled rapidly towards the Earth, reaching its magnetic field in a surprisingly short time, just 24 hours after its onset. However, in recent hours, its intensity has increased, prompting the SWPC to issue a global alert.

CMEs, as NOAA explains, can impact our planet in a matter of hours and generate currents in the Earth’s magnetic fields, sending particles towards the north and south poles. This phenomenon is what gives rise to the impressive northern lights, which are expected to be visible at much lower latitudes than usual, including areas of the United States and the United Kingdom this evening.

However, the effects of this storm are not limited to the visual. The associated magnetic charge can cause disturbances in communications networks and aircraft navigation systems. Although NOAA anticipates that these alterations do not represent a serious danger to critical infrastructure, they could generate certain inconveniences and disruptions in communications.

The geomagnetic storm scale, which ranges between G1 and G5, classifies this event as G4, considered “severe.” At the lowest point of this scale are minor storms, while at the upper end are “extreme” storms (G5).

It is important to be prepared for the possible effects of this geomagnetic storm, especially as it relates to communications and navigation systems. The relevant authorities are closely monitoring the evolving situation and issuing recommendations as necessary.

Let’s stay tuned for updates from space weather monitoring agencies and take appropriate precautions to minimize any negative impact this storm may have on our lives and technological infrastructures.

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