Purple Eggplant Fig Harvest Begins in Samsun

by worldysnews

Harvesting of purple eggplant figs has begun in Tekkeköy district of Samsun.

AK Party Deputy Chair and Samsun MP Çiğdem Karaaslan, in her speech at the fig harvest ceremony held in Çırakman Neighborhood, stated that they are always with the farmers and producers and said, “We will take this country to higher levels by working harder, producing and exerting effort. The purple eggplant fig that brought us together today will become a brand value with a geographical indication. We are always with agriculture, farmers and producers.”

Tekkeköy Mayor Mustafa Candal emphasized that the purple eggplant fig will be the first geographically indicated product of their district and said, “We produce 193 tons of figs in our district. We aim to increase this amount. We sell figs to all provinces in the Black Sea region. We aim to contribute to the economy by converting empty lands that have lost their forest status into agriculture.”

Provincial Director of Agriculture and Forestry İbrahim Sağlam also said that fruit growing is done in an area of ​​1 million 260 thousand decares in Samsun and a total of 169 thousand tons of fruit is produced.

Sağlam said, “1400 tons of figs are produced in Samsun. Especially the figs grown in Tekkeköy are different from others in terms of taste and will be entitled to receive geographical indication registration.”

Samsun Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Halit Doğan, Tekkeköy District Governor Enver Hakan Zengince, Metropolitan Municipality Agricultural Services Department Head Ali Korkmaz, political party representatives and producers attended the harvest ceremony.

#Purple #Eggplant #Fig #Harvest #Begins #Samsun
2024-08-30 04:49:45

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