“Papelucho Choriflay” works in Concepción – 2024-07-03 18:53:58 – 2024-07-03 18:57:06 – 2024-07-03 18:58:07

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“Papelucho Choriflay” works in Concepción

  • Theater Hall of the UCSC Extension Center, Av. Alonso de Ribera 2850, Concepción.
  • Premiere: July 5 – 7:30 p.m..
  • Free. Tickets HERE.

Rescuing its essence, revalidating its current validity and promoting reading are the main motivations behind the creation of the work “Papelucho Choriflay”. A version in the pen of Jorge Briano and authorized by the heirs of Marcela Pazwhich brings together a set of stories of the classic national character, in a production by the UCSC Theater Company, which will premiere next July 5th in the UCSC Extension Center Theater Room.

The production is part of the UCSC’s creative theatrical tradition that has brought to the stage works such as Fahrenheit 451, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, El Cid, Quixote and many others, over the last 20 years of the university company’s history.

In the words of the playwright and interpreter of the work, Jorge Briano, “the aim is to represent Papelucho as the dreamy, playful child with an overflowing imagination that he is. He is distracted and acts from the insight of his mind. Although still a child, he has critical thinking and tools to understand the world around him in his own very particular way, from the sensitivity and desire to change the injustices and inequalities that exist on earth, which is demonstrated in his dialogues and movements, as well as in the characterization and behavior of his family and friends.”

The staging, by the director Leonardo Iturrauses resources from physical theatre and masks, with an emphasis on surrealist work, framed in the immense and intense mind and emotionality of a child and his way of existing in the world.

The work is performed by Tommy Gutierrez who personifies Papelucho, who is accompanied by Valeria Bustos y Jorge Brianowho through the use of masks interpret various characters that are part of Papelucho’s world, including Domitila.

Authorized version by the heirs of Marcela Paz

“For the realization of this work, we managed the brand usage permits together with Marcela Paz Editions S.A.formed by the author’s children to promote her work, especially Papelucho. We planned our proposal for them, emphasizing that Papelucho represents the hallmark of our University,” says Natalia Baeza, Director of Cultural and University Outreach at UCSC.

From the perspective of Marcela Paz Editions SA, Claudia RingsManager of the Society, adds: “What most caught the attention of the proposal, satisfactorily, is first, that it is a work aimed at school audiences and that it encourages reading, which is something basic and has always been basic for Marcela Paz. For her, the promotion of reading, the love of reading, the love of literature in general, of reading and writing, was always very important.”

“And this is something that this work seeks and, therefore, for the heirs and for the children of Marcela Paz, it was something that they connected completely with this work. At the same time, it reflects very well the initial spirit of the character and it rescues the essence that Marcela Paz sought in her character Papelucho. He is a dreamy, playful child, full of imagination, he is distracted, he is intelligent, he has critical thinking and he has many tools that allow him to understand his world, to question his world. They really managed to capture the essence of the character and that was what triggered the family to feel pleasantly surprised by this adaptation.”

Papelucho will soon be 80 years old

On the relevance of the popular character, Baeza He points out, “for the older ones, it is being able to look at it with different eyes, with a much more critical gaze, but the idea that this child called Papelucho, with his great critical thinking, invites us to be sensitive, to be able to be much more awake about what is happening in our social reality, to understand the movements that we have in society and how we can contribute, help and often improve in realities that are more complex.”

“So, we believe that Papelucho’s work is a current work, it is a work that can be discussed, that can be discussed and that can invite us to develop critical thinking in a 21st century reality, which makes us realize that it is a work written for all audiences, but above all, that it can be worked on in our Directorate’s New Audience Training Program.”

In this sense, Rings She adds, “even though Papelucho was created in 1947 and is about to turn 80 years old since its creation, it is still relevant. It is impressive how today’s children, children with cell phones, digital children, still like Papelucho, they laugh with him, they empathize with him and they like all his ingenuity, his relationship with his sister, his relationship with his brother, with his father. And that is what keeps him alive, because Marcela Paz, with Papelucho, gives life to children, she gives voice to children, which had not been done before. And that voice of the children is present and it is the same voice of a child from 1947, from 1967, from 1987 or from 2024. And that is why even today children continue to laugh and continue to feel engaged and continue to empathize with Papelucho. Many of the children who read Papelucho feel a bit like Papelucho to this day.”

The premiere is part of the celebration of 33rd Anniversary of the Catholic University of the Most Holy Conception.

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