Index – Belföld – During routine surgery, the doctor broke a woman’s jawbone in Pest County

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Krisztina Barta contacted our editorial office in desperation, whose life is being made miserable by a wisdom tooth removal, which is considered a routine operation. The woman had her lower right wisdom tooth removed in March of last year, but according to her statement, her jawbone was broken during the operation, which she was not informed about at the end of the treatment.

After I regained consciousness from the anesthesia, I asked the doctor if everything was fine during the operation, because when I woke up, I heard the assistant telling the dentist that my dentures did not fit

– this is how Krisztina Barta remembers last year’s surgery, according to whom the doctor said that although she “tortured” her teeth, everything was fine. After the intervention, an X-ray was taken, which he did not show or make available to Krisztina.

According to the patient, after waking him up and during the X-ray, the doctor argued with the assistants because they wanted to quit. The dentist called the woman the same day to inquire about her condition, then she told him about the severe pain in her jaw. Medical advice was to take painkillers, ice your face and not chew.

I did not receive a document or invoice about the surgery

said the woman in a trembling voice.

Since the operation, he cannot feel his mouth on the right side

The night after the wisdom tooth removal, the woman was very sick, the vein at the site of the infusion she received during anesthesia swelled up, and she almost fainted several times. He could barely speak as he had difficulty opening his mouth. In addition, eating and drinking also caused him enormous pain. Every time he opened his mouth a little, there was a crackling sound. Krisztina Barta later went back to the dentist, who informed her that the previous scan was not good because she was shaking a lot, so another X-ray was taken. The doctor asked if his mouth was numb right side.

Since the operation, I can’t feel my mouth, chin and teeth on the right side

– He told.

Meanwhile, the assistants quit, according to the woman, because of the surgery, but they did not inform her that her jaw was broken. Krisztina went back to the doctor several times, who ordered a ban on chewing, and there were even times when she came to the surgery in vain, but it was closed. On one occasion, he asked if it was normal to have such strong pain after the removal of a wisdom tooth, to which the doctor replied that it was a major operation.

Urgent medical intervention

More than a month later, Krisztina visited a clinic, where it was discovered that her jaw was broken, and it was recommended that she urgently contact the Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery and Dental Clinic of Semmelweis University, where, after X-rays, the ends of the bones were immobilized with splints. Later, the surgery was successfully performed.

When removing the wisdom tooth, the doctor also damaged the nerve running under the tooth, which is why the right side of Krisztina’s mouth and chin have been numb ever since, and she can’t feel the right side of her tongue.

Half of my face swells up at every front and my jaw hurts. This caused lasting damage to the doctor

– he continued. In the meantime, it also turned out that the specialist did not have a medical license at the time of the operation, Krisztina Barta emphasized to Index, who added that she had heard several complaints about the doctor not doing his job properly. We were looking for the dentist who performed Krisztina’s surgery, but he has not yet responded to our inquiry. As soon as he does, we will update our article.

Criminal proceedings have been initiated

Krisztina had a complaint with the Chief Medical Officer, which she said was deemed legitimate. In the event that the NNGYK’s investigation establishes a possible supply error, the practice in many cases is an out-of-court settlement, which the woman has tried, but so far with little success. In his final desperation, he turned to the police. The Pest County Police Headquarters responded to our inquiry that the Monor Police Headquarters

due to the suspicion of the offense of occupational endangerment, criminal proceedings are underway with the involvement of experts against an as yet unknown perpetrator.

Anyone who negligently exposes the life, physical integrity or health of another person or others to direct danger or causes physical injury by violating an occupational rule shall be punished for a misdemeanor with imprisonment of up to one year. We contacted the Hungarian Medical Chamber about the case, but they informed us that according to the changed regulations, they can no longer act in ethical matters.

(Cover photo: Peter Cade/Getty Images)

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