From 6 to 12 years in prison for 10 former Peruvian soldiers for systematic rapes

by worldysnews

The justice of Peru This Wednesday he sentenced 10 retired soldiers sentenced to between 6 and 12 years in prison for systematically raping nine peasant women between 1984 and 1985, during the internal armed conflict against the Shining Path guerrilla.

The sentence, which considered the crimes against humanity, puts an end to five years of hearings of an emblematic case in the South American country for being the first to address the abuses of uniformed men against women and girls in that period of armed violence (1980- 2000).

The accused are convicted of crimes against freedom and sexual honor, considered crimes against humanity,” said Judge René Eduardo Martínez, of the National Superior Court, when reading the ruling against the 10 former military personnel, who did not attend the hearing. .

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The case dates back to 1984 when the army set up a base near the Andean towns of Manta and Vilca, in the department of Huancavelica, one of the poorest regions in central-western Peru.

According to investigations, some of the victims were minors when they were abused. Five of them became pregnant.

“There have been 40 long years of this hard struggle, I hope it is a positive response for us and these criminals end up in jail,” said María, one of the victims whose last name is kept confidential by judicial order, in an audio sent by her lawyer. .

The 54-year-old woman has two children as a result of the rapeswhich were perpetrated when he was 15.

Human rights activists and relatives of the victims held a peaceful demonstration outside the court.

At the level of South America, the Manta case would be the first in which soldiers are convicted of mass multiple rapes,” Cynthia Silva of the feminist organization Demus, which litigates in defense of women’s rights, told AFP.

This trial is the second in the case, after in 2018 the justice system annulled a first trial alleging “lack of impartiality of the magistrates”.

The prosecution had requested between 6 to 20 years in prison for the military.

The violations against peasant women were exposed in 2003 by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (CVR), which collected 35 complaints for events that occurred from 1984 to 1995, during the bloodiest time of the war between the Maoist group Sendero Luminoso and the military forces.

According to the TRC, in the two decades of armed violence that Peru experienced, there were hundreds of cases of sexual rape, sexual slavery, nudity, prostitution, unions and forced abortions.

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The state Single Registry of Victims of the conflict In May of this year, there were 5,882 cases of sexual violations during that period of violence.

The Peruvian internal conflict left more than 69 thousand dead or missing, according to the CVR, and there were cases of abuses on both sides.

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With information from AFP.


#years #prison #Peruvian #soldiers #systematic #rapes
2024-06-20 05:31:20

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