Four food groups you should eat for breakfast if you want to lose weight

by worldysnews

2024-08-28 22:44:07

Breakfast is the most important meal and its composition will determine a good part of our day. It provides the necessary nutrients to start the day and to keep us active and energetic throughout the day. Therefore, it is important to incorporate quality nutrients, especially if we aim to lose weight.

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Specialists distinguish between two types of diet consistency. One involves temporary episodes of dieting that help you lose weight. The other involves a healthy diet that is sustained and extended over time. They point out that the latter is the recommended option and allows the body to get used to a new rhythm.

How to eat breakfast to lose weight

An important aspect to cover in breakfasts that are part of a weight loss diet is that they are satiating. For this reason, it is suggested to include breakfasts in the morning that contain tryptophan, a type of amino acid that helps produce and maintain proteins, muscles, enzymes and neurotransmitters.

Nutritionists explain that there are four food groups that are important for breakfast. The more food groups you choose for your first meal of the day, the more balanced it will be.

What types of foods to eat for breakfast to lose weight


This group includes bread made from 100% whole grains. You can eat oats, wheat, barley, quinoa, rye, amaranth or unsweetened muesli for breakfast.

Healthy fats

These are foods that contain natural oils and include the group of nuts and seeds. You can also eat oily fish, avocado or extra virgin olive oil for breakfast.


This group contains both fruits and vegetables, foods full of fiber that help speed up metabolism and are usually low in fat.

Healthy proteins

It is recommended to choose low-fat meats and dairy products or eggs in non-fried forms to cover the necessary quota of these foods. Chicken or turkey breast are excellent options.

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