Doctor Arenbergerová advises how to treat sunburns. What takes up the most?

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In the treatment of skin cancer and melanoma, according to The Arenbergers The Czech Republic is not doing badly at all. In the last 10 years, according to the doctor, medicine has made enormous progress in this direction.

Today, we have molecules that can prolong life for patients with consolidating melanoma. And I will give here only two numbers that are easy to understand, that even 10 years ago patients with melanoma metastases survived five years in only 5%, today it is 50% of people who survive five years. So it’s a huge leap we’ve made,” said the dermatologist at the Epicenter, adding that the most important thing is, of course, prevention and protection from the sun.

Is there a healthy suntan?

There is actually no clear answer to this question. According to Dr. Arenberger, the only thing that can be said with certainty is when to leave the sun and behave in front of the rays. A time when definitely it’s not good to be in the sun, it’s around noon until about three o’clock. This is the strongest solar radiation.

“This is also related to the spectrum of ultraviolet radiation, because we divide two basic spectra, that is UVB radiation, which is responsible for burning the skin, is very aggressive towards the skin, but then there is also ultraviolet radiation of type a, which is rather responsible for nice pigmentation, and it is this ultraviolet radiation after the fifteenth or sixteenth hour that is very rich in UVA radiation, which means that we are less likely to burn,” explained Arenbergerová.

Does “grandmother’s” advice work?

But what to do when this happens and our skin is sunburned, sore and red? According to the doctor the most effective and most important is always to cool down and hide in the shade.

“To cool, I quite like panthenol foams with vitamin b, those special foams that are applied to the skin, and the skin is so sensitive that sometimes even rubbing in creams can be problematic and painful and these foams with panthenol just need to be sprayed on the skin, they will be absorbed, then various emulsions that contain vitamin E or vitamin C, i.e. antioxidants, are good, it is good to put them in the fridge so that they have an even better cooling potential, but of course it is if I see blisters on that skin, if I also see some bad color there in the sense of black color, i.e. that there could be a risk of tissue dying or necrosis, so it’s always good to see a dermatologist, because he can prescribe more effective remedies than those you can get at the pharmacy.” warns the doctor, adding that good old advice also works.

All that cooling of the skin is good, I also quite like yogurt compresses, they have worked for me, Greek yogurt, which is rich in probiotics, i.e. apply it directly to the skin, to the face, absolutely great, a cooling cucumber from the fridge is also quite nice, and if I feel some unpleasant sensations on the face, for example, a decoction of black tea, or directly black tea bags that are put on the eyes , because the area around the eyes is very sensitive to burns, that is, actually put the black soaked tea directly into warm water. I quite like the homemade recipes for burnt skin,Arenberger concluded.

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