Chinese horoscope: what big changes will all signs experience before the end of the month, according to Ludovica Squirru






According to the Chinese horoscope, July is influenced by the sign of the Goat, a transformative period. This month comes in the context of the year of the Wood Dragon, a time charged with dynamic and changing energies, according to the interpretations of Ludovica Squirru.

The Wood Dragon is a creature that will mark a before and after for everyone. It will do so by confronting the signs with great challenges, which they must overcome to become the best version of themselves possible.

This will happen not only on a small scale. The Chinese astrology expert says that this year will be a turning point that will change the course of humanity, ending centuries of decline.

Chinese Horoscope: The important changes that all signs will experience, according to Ludovica Squirru

Rata: This month presents work challenges with adverse or unfair conditions that could affect all Rats, including those born in previous years such as 1936.

For those born in 1996 and 2008, tensions with authority figures, educators and parents are expected, reflecting generational conflicts. Those belonging to the sign of the rat are advised to consider that travel could be an option, although patience and prudence are also viable strategies.

Buffalo: This month is challenging due to the combination of energies influenced by the dragon, which could make the wishes of the buffaloes come true if they are expressed constructively and without fear.

Specifically, those born in 1949 and 2009 might be more susceptible to worry and reliving negative past experiences. To improve your month, associating with snakes and roosters could be beneficial.

Tigre: The benevolent influence of the Goat brings auspicious days and positive news for Tigers this month. The first half of the month could bring pending payments or financial benefits thanks to strokes of luck or improvements in business and jobs. This will be a good time to seek support, negotiate salary increases and strengthen friendships.

The combination of the Dragon and the Goat also promotes happiness. To take advantage of these opportunities, Tigers must let go of past losses, adopt a spiritual perspective, and cultivate empathy and love.

Rabbit: July is productive for Rabbits, strengthening their determination and firmness. Those born in 2011 will have the opportunity to develop a personality that is less influenced by others of their age, a quality that will mark their future life.

1975 Rabbits may face minor tensions with colleagues and competitors, though nothing serious. Those born in 1939, 1951 and 1963 could benefit from the help of Goats and Dogs, especially in situations where communication with younger people, doctors and caregivers could be challenging and questioned.

Dragon: Dragons have the opportunity to begin a three-month period of withdrawal from public or social life, if circumstances permit.

By freeing yourself from strenuous responsibilities, you’ll be able to focus on your own goals and hobbies, giving you a karmic respite before facing the more intense challenges in October and November.

Those who are unable to retire will enjoy opportunities for support, pay raises, or recognition from friends and family.

Snake: You will continue to benefit from the positive energy of the goat. This month offers the possibility of getting support to solve everyday problems, although it will be crucial to recognize the need for such support, as it will not come automatically.

For Snakes who feel paralyzed or restless, the advice of the Buffalo and the determination of the Rooster will be invaluable, especially if they are facing difficulties in personal or work relationships, a situation particularly resonant for those born in 1989.

Horse: The influence of the Goat will energize the Horse, improving its physical and emotional vitality. Through dreams, paths to happiness and inner peace could be revealed.

Older horses may be able to revive old passions or disciplines that have been abandoned due to the demands of modern life. It is recommended to ignore external distractions and focus on cultivating the mind and spirit. Activities such as gardening, martial arts or musical composition can be especially rewarding.

Goat: The Goat has the opportunity to regain strength and rekindle creativity after having devoted herself intensely to fixing the outside world. It is crucial that she turns her attention to her inner garden, strengthening her self-esteem and taking care of her health. To counteract any hint of sadness, walking barefoot on the earth can recycle energy and improve circulation.

Monkeys: in the form of recognition, better economic opportunities and the possibility of starting meaningful romantic relationships. Those Monkeys who already have a partner could consider marriage or renew their vows, thus strengthening their relationships in a lasting way.

It is important to note that younger Monkeys, such as those born in 2004 and 2016, may face challenges in love that are typical of their age, although these aspects will improve over time.

Gallos: For both men and those who identify with the yang polarity, the month of the goat is presented as a neutral stage. It will be a favorable period to conclude projects and receive support, even from people who previously showed antagonism or differences of interest.

However, for Rooster women, this month could bring challenges in the love realm. To counteract these effects, religious or spiritual activities could provide solace and a greater understanding of unconditional love, loyalty and fidelity.

Buffalo: The combination of energies between the Goat and the days dominated by the Buffalo, such as the 12th and the 24th, together with the Year of the Dragon, could lead the Dog to get involved in other people’s conflicts due to its loyal and protective nature.

To avoid getting caught up in these dynamics, it is recommended to keep an organized schedule and dedicate time to activities that promote physical and spiritual well-being, such as visits to the spa, solitary walks in the woods, or practices such as yoga, tai chi or meditation.

Pig: Pigs will enjoy a period of rest and emotional stability. This energy will help to release obsessive thoughts and antagonistic attitudes that may have affected them in the past.

It will be a good time to complete projects that you have been putting off, such as completing university studies, finishing novels, exploring music or painting, or even starting your own artistic projects.

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