Burundi Eco – The great mass of industrialists is approaching – 2024-08-26 22:22:26 – 2024-08-26 22:22:27 – 2024-08-26 22:23:51 – 2024-08-26 22:25:46 – 2024-08-26 22:26:38

by worldysnews
The 6th edition of the Industrial Fair will be held from September 4 to 7, 2024 at the Source Du Nil Hotel. The theme of this event is “A green and exporting industry: a social commitment and an opportunity for decent jobs for young people and women in Burundi”. According to the Association of Industrialists of Burundi (AIB), this occasion offers an exceptional opportunity to promote new industries while encouraging industrialists to take measures in favor of preserving the environment.

The industrial fair for this year will be held at the Source du Nil Hotel from September 4 to 7, 2024.

“An industry that does not care about protecting the environment only causes damage instead of contributing to the development of the country.” This was stressed by Juvénal Sakubu, president of the Association of Industrialists of Burundi (AIB). This statement was made this Wednesday, August 21, 2024, during the official launch of the 6th edition of the industrial fair. The industrial fair for this year will be held at the Source du Nil Hotel from September 4 to 7, 2024.

The theme chosen for this 6th edition is: “A green and exporting industry: a social commitment and an opportunity for decent jobs for young people and women in Burundi.” As the president of the AIB pointed out, the organization of this event is part of the objective that this association has set for itself since 2018. “That of bringing together all professionals from the industry in Burundi, the sub-region and the rest of the world in order to exchange experiences, explore investment opportunities, enter into partnerships and keep informed of trends in the sector,” he said.

Special emphasis on environmental protection

The Association of Industrialists of Burundi (AIB) will focus this year on green industry and the creation of decent jobs for youth and women in Burundi. “By this we mean green entrepreneurship, led by women and youth, who jointly invest in this category and in the preservation of the environment,” said Mr. Sakubu.

According to him, this approach is doubly beneficial: it promotes both economic growth and environmental protection. “This is why we considered it appropriate to advocate for a green and circular industry, capable of transforming ecological problems into business opportunities. To achieve this, Burundian industry will have to invest in innovation and adopt appropriate technologies,” he adds.

An event not to be missed for industrialists

The Industrial Fair is a major event that brings together the country’s industrialists. During this 6th edition, companies of all sizes, from large to small, as well as cooperatives will have the opportunity to present their products to a wider audience. It is an opportunity for industrialists to establish business relationships with different economic players. “This fair is also an opportunity to highlight Burundian products, whether they are intended for the local or international market. This visibility aims to stimulate the economy and promote stronger regional integration,” he said. The conference-debate sessions will address essential themes such as green and circular industry, as well as tax civic-mindedness.

Let us recall that the National Industrialization Policy of Burundi (PNIB) has the mission of developing a dynamic, competitive and diversified industrial sector by 2027. According to this same document, Burundi must be able to transform its natural resources so that the industrial sector can contribute at least 25% to the formation of the GDP by 2027.

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