Brno: A moment of inattention and Honzík (6) drowned in the lake

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The accident happened four years ago and the boy’s mother does not hesitate to tell about it. After all, with his warning, he can help other parents not to forget about safety near water during the holiday season. And also to show that it is possible to make great progress with literally superhuman effort.

When the tragic moment happened, Honzík was on an organized stay for mothers with children. Everyone was getting ready for an afternoon walk, and Mrs. Kamila let Honzík look after the other moms for a while so she could go pick up snacks. “Everything that happened then is still in me like a movie. I remember the last sight of a healthy Honzík sitting on the bouncer a meter away from one of the two mothers who promised to look after him.” recalls Kamila Šiplová for

Fall into the pond

But a minute of inattention was all it took for the little boy to accidentally slide down the bouncer into a nearby natural lake. The water closed over him and no one noticed…

As soon as Mrs. Kamila returned with the snacks, she started looking for her son. The moments of terror were endless. “I remember the strange atmosphere when we were looking for him, and subsequently the feelings when I resuscitated him all blue. Together with other mothers, I concentrated on resuscitation, the instructions of the ambulance, they couldn’t find us for a very long time,” says mom. The rescue service arrived in twenty minutes, and it took another six minutes before the rescuers managed to restore the heart.

At the same time, other persistent thoughts swirled in her mind. “It was running through my head that this couldn’t be happening to me, that it was just a bad dream. I felt awfully guilty for not predicting that the two moms wouldn’t make it.” Mrs. Kamila continues her narration.

illustrative photo

Panic and remorse

Honzík then fought for his next life together with the doctors in Brno at the ARO. “In the hospital, I felt that the next few hours would decide. The first night I couldn’t even close my eyes because I kept seeing the blue Honzík. I had panic attacks and a sense of helplessness was suffocating me.” recalls Mrs. Kamila, who then decided that she would do everything possible to save her child.

“I knew that I would even move the globe, but that we would find a cure. I didn’t mind sacrificing my life for his care, because our children are the meaning of our lives.” says the mother, who also raises her older daughter Evička (9) with her husband.

In the end, the doctors described Kločka’s condition as a vigil coma and gave the desperate parents no chance of improvement at all. When asked what would happen next, the doctors said that he would probably live in this condition for about ten years and then die of total exhaustion of the organism.

Hyperbaric chamber, stem cells and laser

But nothing like that happened! Thanks to the care of his parents and his own efforts, Honzík has come a long way. He has undergone treatment in a hyperbaric chamber in Kladno, stem cell therapy in Malacca, Slovakia, and even laser therapy in Texas. In March, he also tried a month-long intensive neurorehabilitation in Klimkovice.

“We were hoping that his body would be fired up and ready to make a big move. And it happened! He trained in Klimkovice for 2.5 hours of physiotherapy and the result was that he stood up in the space and could stand for ten seconds. According to physiotherapists and doctors, this is a clear milestone,” explains the mother, who is convinced that one day her son will walk.

The parents also attend speech therapy with Honzík. “His tongue is slowly starting to loosen and he can say a few words. Otherwise, we normally talk to him and he signals his needs,” describes Mrs. Kamila.

Týnka from Most has to deal with the severe consequences of the accident.

School next year

Next year, the boy should even start school. Honzík is still moving mentally. “He loves playing with toy cars, with magnetic building blocks, he likes to doodle with crayons or a brush and he loves modeling clay. Every day they look at picture books and make up stories with their dad, rescue cartoon characters with stuffed animals, and also often fight. He often plays with his sister Evička as well,” says mom.

In August, the little boy will have another trip to Texas for laser therapy. “We firmly believe that we will make it to our dream full recovery and Honzíček will be able to have a happy childhood and life,” concludes Mrs. Kamila.

However, the boy’s entire treatment is very financially demanding. If you would like to support Honzík, you can send him a financial donation. More information here.

Someone left a newborn baby girl in a baby box in Prague's Libni.  Deputy Mayor of Prague 8 Vladimíra Ludková (ODS) picked up the baby from the baby box.

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