Baby born by caesarean section after mother died in Gaza bombing has died



The baby who was born by caesarean section in Gaza last weekend after her mother had already died has now also died. Various media report this.

Baby Sabreen al-Sakani was delivered by Caesarean section at Rafah Hospital just after midnight on Sunday. Her mother was seven and a half months pregnant when an Israeli rocket attack bombed her house Saturday evening. She was sleeping with her husband and their three-year-old daughter at the time.

The three did not survive the attack and were pronounced dead at hospital. But doctors had not given up hope for the baby. The doctors were able to deliver the baby via a caesarean section. CPR was immediately initiated and the child was given oxygen. After a while, it turned out that their actions were not in vain. The baby, who weighed only 1.4 kilograms, was immediately placed in an incubator.

For a moment, the little girl seemed to be doing well. She seemed to be getting stronger. But she was born almost two months prematurely. Her lungs were therefore not yet fully developed and she was therefore born with the lung condition hyaline membrane disease.

In recent days it had become too difficult for her lungs to absorb enough oxygen. The girl died on Thursday, less than a week after her birth. The child was buried next to her mother, after whom she was also named.


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