Art, music and astronomy event at CEINA

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Art, music and astronomy event at CEINA

  • Ceina Cultural Center, Arturo Prat 33, Metro U. de Chile.
  • Thursday, July 4 – 8:00 p.m.
  • More information here.

HORIZONTE was born from the desire to bring to the public an experience lived at the ALMA Observatory, the audiovisual concert that Delight Lab performed on one of its antennas for the Commemoration of the 10 years of its creation, from its base in the Llano de Chajnantor of the Atacama Desert.

The event will begin with an astronomical talk given by ALMA, followed by a micro-documentary and ending with a great audiovisual concert of live music and visuals with laser and video projection technologies, with immersive sound provided by Stecher Lab.

It is a project conceived and performed by the Delight Lab collective (Andrea & Octavio Gana) with guest artists Marco Martínez, Cuti Aste and Ángela Acuña in its co-creation and live performance.

This event will also mark the release of the collective’s first music album, called Horizontes en Fuga, mixed and mastered by Chris Manhey/Omni SoundLab in Dolby Atmos and by Chalo Gonzalez in stereo format, by the Pueblo Nuevo label.

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