After high tide, many more people are checking to see if their home could flood Home

by worldysnews

January 4, 2024 at 2:02 pm Update: 3 minutes ago

In recent weeks, many more people than usual have used the website to find out about the heights the water could reach in their area in the event of a flood. Rijkswaterstaat reported this to when asked.

At the end of December the website was visited approximately ten times more often than in the first weeks of November.

At you can enter your postal code or address. You will then be able to see how high the water could reach in your area in the event of a flood. You can also read about how to prepare for such a flood. Responsible for the site are, among others, the Rijkswaterstaat and the Ministries of Infrastructure and Water Management and Justice and Security.

In recent weeks the Netherlands has been grappling with high water. The peak was around Christmas. In the first weeks of November, before the water was high, was visited 400 to 700 times a day. During peak water levels in late December, that number was above 50,000 for two days (December 28 and 29).

Municipalities actively refer to

In the days and weeks before and after Dec. 28 and 29, more people than usual watched how high the water could get in a flood. The number of visitors started to increase around November 21st. “One explanation could be that the water in the rivers started to rise,” says a spokesperson for the Rijkswaterstaat.

The spokesperson states that several municipalities have actively referred to the site in recent times. “It’s good that the website can also make people aware of the consequences of high water and what they can do to prepare.”

The website is currently unavailable or difficult to access. It is not clear why, according to the spokesperson. We are working on a solution.

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2024-01-04 13:02:08
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