Actor Ondřej Kepka: He found the treasure of Mama Vránová (†78)!

by worldysnews

Finds made treasures. Above all, photographs that no one had seen before excited him as a lover and teacher of photography. “I like the one in the sea the most. Mom loved the water, she bathed calmly even in cold water. She was always diving and clamming by the sea. And in the winter she also liked cross-country skiing, because after the fall and injury she was already afraid on the slopes.” recalls the actress’ son.

She was writing a novel

Even a written novel, which my mother was unable to finish due to illness, came to light. “It’s a strange feeling to go through her thoughts. I also found translations from Hungarian. She didn’t speak Hungarian, but her grandmother translated the meaning for her, and she was amazed by it.” describes Kepka.

He also discovered letters from his mother’s father, which he wrote in the 1930s to his beloved, that is, Ondřej’s grandmother. “Mom was also preparing a songbook of Moravian and Slovak songs, she put in the work and it’s in alphabetical order. She liked to sing,” added Ondřej.

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Gabriela Vránová suffered a little from the fact that there was already one Vránová Alena (91) in show business. She was older and she was earlier. That’s why they once advised Gabi to change her name. “But I would never do that. After all, I would have offended my father and mother to death. They would never forgive me for that.” the actress defended herself at the time. And she was able to catch her breath when she was interviewed at the interview A proud princess. Then when she married mathematics professor Jiří Kepka and there was a fair chance to change her surname, she didn’t do it. That’s it!

The recording will remind her

Ondřej Kepka is preparing an audio version of the book Magnetic Wind by Gabriela Vránová for his mother’s dead half-rounds, where he himself talks about his mother. The interview is conducted by the writer Pavel Mészáros – and Gabi recalls 50 audio samples.

Sister Miriam before the funeral of the star Chalupář Vránová (†78): She did not fulfill Gábi's last wish!

She lost her battle with cancer

The actress bravely fought colon cancer. In February 2018, she underwent an operation, unfortunately she died in hospital just four months later. All the time, she thought positively and firmly believed that she would return to the stage.

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