Accused by the US-Ukraine and their allies of using North Korean weapons, what does Russia say?

by worldysnews

AFP reported that on January 9, nearly 50 countries along with the United States issued a joint statement accusing North Korea of ​​transferring missiles to Russia.

The US, Ukraine and many allies recently accused North Korea of ​​transferring missiles and launchers to Russia for Moscow to use in the conflict in Ukraine in exchange for technological support in its nuclear weapons and missile development program. Pyongyang’s fire.

In a joint statement, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken joined European Union (EU) foreign security policy chief Josep Borrell and 47 foreign ministers of many allied countries to oppose the arms transfer. This.

A statement released by the US State Department said that this move “clearly” violates sanctions against North Korea by the United Nations Security Council, of which Russia is a permanent member.

Also on January 9, the White House announced that US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan had a phone call with his Korean counterpart Chang Ho-jin to discuss accusations against Moscow and Pyongyang.

However, according to Reuters, On the same day, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov refused to comment on the accusations of the US and Ukraine, but said that Kiev had attacked Russian civilian targets with missiles originating from many Western countries. West.

Meanwhile, North Korea did not speak out about these accusations.

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