Abdul Bari evokes the features of cultural identity through the national anthems of countries

by worldysnews

Writer Ahmed Abdel Bari believes that the national anthems of countries carry within them deep stories that reflect the identity and history of peoples, pointing out that “they arose from the womb of struggle and liberation, and have become a symbol of unity and national dignity, and reflect the stories of heroism and sacrifices made by the ancestors for freedom and independence in every tone and tone.” “.

The Moroccan writer confirmed, in an article received by the electronic newspaper Hespress, entitled “The National Anthem… Hymns of Identity and the Echo of National Unity,” that “the Moroccan national anthem, whose words were penned by the prominent poet Ali Al-Sikli Al-Husseini, and whose melodies were created by the French musician Leo Morgan, was officially adopted in the year 1956 after the independence of Morocco, it is considered one of the highest symbols that embody the identity and culture of the country and the voice and conscience of the nation.”

Abdel Bari recorded that “this anthem reflects the pride of the Moroccan people and their pride in belonging to their land, and emphasizes the importance of national unity and solidarity among the people of the country from all walks of life,” stressing that it is “a living symbol that pulsates with life and ignites in the hearts of Moroccans their passion for their homeland, and embodies their dreams and hopes for the future, as The anthem resonates on all national occasions and celebrations to tell the story of a nation that derives its strength from its glorious history and yearns for a prosperous future with a spirit of challenge and insistence on progress and prosperity.

Article text:

The first moments of every school morning were filled with solemn formal tunes, as we lined up in the schoolyard and the national anthem heralded the beginning of a new day. The national anthem was playing, and we were singing it with one voice, with childish enthusiasm that did not realize the meanings of the words dancing on our tongues. We did not understand why we express patriotism with those resonant words, nor the secret behind those great melodies that fill the horizon. Those were the times, when patriotic songs brought us together at the beginning of each school day, slowly building in us a sense of belonging and pride, even if our understanding of them was still hidden in the folds of innocent ignorance.

The roots of national anthems…a historical perspective

National anthems carry within them deep stories that reflect the identity and history of peoples. These anthems arose from the womb of struggle and liberation, and have become a symbol of unity and national dignity. The stories of heroism and sacrifices made by the ancestors for freedom and independence are evident in every tone and tone.

The roots of national anthems extend back to the Middle Ages, when enthusiastic songs and military music were used extensively to raise the morale of soldiers and people during wars and battles. These songs carried connotations of courage and pride in belonging, and reinforced the fighting spirit and unity among the nation’s members.

With the emergence of nation-states in Europe during the eighteenth century and the growth of nationalist sentiment, the concept of the national anthem began to take shape in its contemporary form as a symbol of sovereignty and independence. This development allowed chants to transform from mere tools of motivation into symbols of national identity, expressing the values ​​and traditions of nations.

One of the oldest examples of national anthems in history is the Dutch national anthem “Wilhelmus,” which dates back to the mid-sixteenth century. This anthem was written at the beginning of the Dutch struggle for independence from Spanish rule, and quickly became a symbol of resistance against occupation and an affirmation of Dutch national identity. Wilhelmus shows how the national anthem can reflect the aspirations of an entire people towards freedom and independence, and how it can inspire successive generations to defend their sovereignty and preserve their cultural heritage.

Over time, national anthems have evolved to become an integral part of official celebrations and national occasions around the world, as national anthems enhance feelings of national pride and raise the values ​​of interdependence and solidarity among peoples.

Stories and symbols that reflect cultures and history

National anthems vary greatly in their content and melodies in different parts of the world, but they all agree in their role as a means of expressing national identity and collective values. These songs are used to promote national unity and strengthen ties between citizens, as well as to enhance a sense of pride and belonging to the homeland.

Moroccan national anthem

In Morocco, the national anthem, “The Honorable Anthem,” is considered one of the highest symbols that embodies the country’s identity and culture. Its words were penned by the prominent poet Ali Al-Siqali Al-Husseini, and its melodies were created by French musician Leo Morgan, and it was officially adopted in 1956 after Morocco’s independence, to be the voice and conscience of the nation. This anthem reflects the pride of the Moroccan people and their pride in belonging to their land, and stresses the importance of national unity and solidarity among the people of the country from all walks of life. It is a living, vibrant symbol that ignites in the hearts of Moroccans their passion for their homeland, embodying their dreams and hopes for a bright future. The anthem resonates on all national occasions and celebrations to tell the story of a nation that derives its strength from its glorious history and yearns for a prosperous future with a spirit of challenge and insistence on progress and prosperity.

Kuwaiti national anthem

In Kuwait, the Kuwaiti national anthem reflects the country’s history and its struggle for independence and sovereignty. It was written by the poet Ahmed Mishari Al-Adwani, in which he was able to embody the values ​​of pride, patriotism, pride in the land and the people, and highlight the ancient heritage of Kuwait and the determination of its people.

The national anthem played a major role in enhancing the morale of the Kuwaiti people, especially during the period of the Iraqi invasion in 1990 and until the liberation of Kuwait in 1991, as the anthem was a symbol of resistance, steadfastness and hope, and it was played in difficult times to remind Kuwaitis of their unity, strength and determination to restore their homeland. The Kuwaiti people renew their pledge to be loyal to their homeland and defend it with all their might.

Palestinian national anthem

In Palestine, the national anthem is mixed with the spirit of resistance and dignity, to be an echo of the struggle of a people who have never stopped striving for freedom. Unlike other national anthems that sing of independence after its achievement, the Palestinian national anthem had a different story, as the words of “My Homeland” preceded the liberation to be the first unofficial national anthem, written by the late Palestinian poet Ibrahim Tuqan and composed by the Lebanese musician Muhammad Fleifel, so it became a melody that resonates with hope and pride, using… Also in the days of the United Arab Republic and Iraq.

Then came “My Commander,” the anthem adopted by the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization in 1972 to be the voice of revolution and resistance. It was written by the revolutionary poet Saeed Al-Muzain, and composed by the great Egyptian musician Ali Ismail. In a symbolic solidarity move, the Greek musician Mikis Theodorakis re-arranged the music in 1981, before the Palestinian composer Hussein Nazik gave the final music arrangement in 2005.

The Palestinian national anthem was not just words and melodies, but rather a bridge linking the past and the future, strengthening the unity of the Palestinian people and renewing the pledge of struggle and resistance. It was a voice that rose up in difficult times to remind everyone of class unity and strength of will. The Palestinian Council of Ministers realized the importance of this anthem, so it issued a decision to unify it, re-register it, and circulate it to government institutions and embassies so that it remains a symbol of an unbreakable national identity, and a lasting hope for victory and the return of refugees to their homes.

Every time the anthem is played, stories of sacrifices and heroism emerge from its words and melodies, remaining a testament to the strength of a people determined for freedom and liberation.

Strengthening national unity and common identity

The national anthem is not just a symbol of national sovereignty, but rather plays a vital role in strengthening national unity and consolidating a common identity among citizens. Through its poignant melodies and inspiring lyrics, the national anthem provides a deep sense of pride and belonging, and contributes to building moral bonds among the people. The anthem is played on important national occasions such as Independence, National Day, and official occasions, reminding people of their common heritage, their long history, and the future goals they seek to achieve together.

The national anthem is a tool to express national solidarity and unity, as citizens feel united under one national banner when they sing it together. These moments embody harmony and synchronization between citizens of different backgrounds and spectrums, which enhances feelings of loyalty and dedication to the homeland.

In this way, the national anthem can play a powerful role in uniting the people, especially in times of crises or challenges that the country may face. The national anthem reminds individuals that they are part of a larger entity that requires everyone to work together and support each other to achieve national prosperity and security.

#Abdul #Bari #evokes #features #cultural #identity #national #anthems #countries
2024-06-20 16:38:31

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