A woman lost over 60 kilograms without a single visit to the gym. How did she do it? | How to lose weight

by worldysnews

At the beginning of her journey, Ali weighed 126 kilograms and was classified as severely obese. “I had no control over my eating. I managed to eat 8000 calories a day. I ate everything I could get my hands on. Potatoes, sweets, fast food, pizza. I didn’t care. In the evening I sat up in bed and ate. I didn’t think at all about what I was putting in my body. Food ruined my life” admits the mother of two children.

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Losing 10 kilos is the magic limit that many people trying to achieve a healthier lifestyle want to reach. What will it take? • VIDEO: .

The weight caused great problems for the young woman. She couldn’t keep up with her children, her ankles were swelling and she couldn’t even stand for long. That all changed when Ali went shopping for clothes with her cousin, and the clerk directed her to the plus-size section. “I left the store feeling really embarrassed. This sad event opened my eyes,” Ali stated. A few weeks later, she came across a girl on social media who had lost weight using the keto diet. “I read her story and started the next day. I cut out sugar and kept my daily carbohydrate intake at 20 to 30 grams,” Ali explains.

The results soon appeared and the woman began to lose weight. She constantly monitored her food portions, and thanks to healthy snacks, Ali’s sweet tooth completely disappeared and she was able to lose half her weight. “I lost weight very quickly and left excess skin on my body. I was thinner, but I felt like I was living in a body that wasn’t mine.” she stated. Therefore, she decided to undergo plastic surgery, thanks to which she got rid of excess skin and suddenly felt like a completely new person.

Thanks to the transformation, her view of the world changed. Suddenly she was a much happier and more satisfied mother who began to spend her time with her children in a completely different way. “I can finally run with my kids in the park, I can play soccer with my son, I don’t feel ashamed when I put on a swimsuit and I can finally jump in the pool with my daughter. I’m happy that I did all this for myself, but most of all that I did it for my children,” Ali added.

The mother of two lost over 45 kilograms.  With this method, she could eat whatever she wanted and the weight came off

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